About Me

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I like good food and I can not lie. I also like saving money and rattling those pots and pans. Mostly, nobody gets hurt.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Miss Fathlete and the Christmas Cookies

This is pretty good considering what I've been eating. The tummy's getting defined, and the arms...Ok, I'll admit it. The arms are very cool.

The title is my homage to "Monk," which I'll miss.

You know what I will not miss? This last week in fitness and eating. The holidays are always a maze of mini quiche and champagne, which means I need to step up the workouts like a workout stepping-up banshee. Unfortunately, it was also the week where I aggravated an old injury from an excessive mix of running and P90x-ing (the plyo kept tweaking my heel, which I ignored because...cookies.) No running or P90x until at least Wednesday, says my doctor, Dr. Fox. And this is a man who is at all the races I run, so if I show up at one, he'll know. He's sneaky.

Also, my poor Victor the Trainer and I have been like two fitness ships passing in the night over the last two weeks. And now, he's recovering from a car accident (sob) and is out of commission. Get well, sweetie! I will not let you down! Hopefully!

I could just feel the extra cheese forming on my butt, so I gave in and joined Planet Fitness for $20 a month, their Black Card option, which lets me bring a guest and also allows me to go to all the other Planet Fitnesses for free. They don't have classes, but they do have all the weights and the cardio machines, so for the next two weeks, before I can run or P90x or Shred again, I am gonna do the elliptical for at least 45 minutes six days a week, plus weights and abs (the P90X Abs Ripper X).

I have a wedding in 6 months, a 39th birthday in 4, and a lot of cookies to brave. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Fathlete and P90X Cardio X: Sweaty and Slightly Annoying!

So here's my second day of P90x workouts, following the Lean program. It's technically the third day, but I took my rest day yesterday (yeah, I know. But I worked 4:30 a.m.-5 p.m., so just eating soup was a workout at the end of that).

So this morning, to pay for punking out last night, I worked out twice today - did 2 and a half miles of a speedwork run this morning (owww, but awesome. owwsome?) and then did some work and caught up with Tony Horton and the P90X kids this afternoon. It was a good sweaty workout, but I have some complaints:

- It's not all cardio. I was hoping for a solid, kick-butt 43 minutes or whatever it was of pure moving, and instead got almost 20 minutes of power yoga, and then a mixture of kenpo, core and plyometrics. I can see why people hate on the Yoga X, if the whole 91 minute DVD is just constant downward dog/runners pose, like this routine was. It felt great after my run, though, and the kenpo was super fun.

- Tony Horton will not shut up. Seriously. If I'm gonna do 90 whole days with this joker, I'm gonna have to learn the routines so I can turn him down. He's all jokey and smug and smirky with the stupid nicknames. And today, after introducing two of the Cardio Kids as an engaged couple, he seemed to be hitting on the woman. Not only that, but he added some...emphatic sound effects to some of her punches that were at worst distracting and at worst faux-orgasmic.


Again, I felt like I got a great workout, if not the one advertised in a DVD called "Cardio X." I just wish it was more movement. And less "O" noises.