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I like good food and I can not lie. I also like saving money and rattling those pots and pans. Mostly, nobody gets hurt.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Introducing: The Fathlete Bridal Blog! Celebrate!

This is not my wedding dress. But it could've been.
So, this blog is about me trying not to be a big fat girl. And my life, recently, became about being a bride. So now, this blog is going to be about being a bride, and not a big fat one.
And also about the difficulties of finding a tiara to go with a fro.
I should call it "Go With The Fro!"
Anyway, this is an interesting week for me, wedding and fitness wise. I am now officially divorced from my big gym, BiggestLoserFitness (ahem), and am maximizing my fitness dollar. I am still seeing Victor, the evil trainer (Hey, man!) and still running (I think I am doing at least two more half marathons before the wedding, because if I am always training, I am always focused.)
I also just purchased two home remedies - Jillian Michael's "The Shred" and the fearsome-looking P90X, along with a chin-up bar. I cannot do chin-ups now, but the P90x people swear I'll be able to do a thousand, plus bench press a bus and Jillian Michaels, when I'm done.
The cool thing is that my dress is beautiful as it is, although I'd love to lose about 10 pounds between now and June. Or just tighten up. Do the tighten up! I'm Archie Bell, and these here are the Drells! We got a new song called the 'Tighten Up!'
Sorry. Drell break.


J. Christina Huh said...

Your commitment to exercise amazes me.

Leslie said...


Unknown said...

I've toyed with purchasing the p90x thingy - or however those letters and numbers go. I want updates on how it's going.

Leslie said...

Sonja: I should get it this weekend. I have been doing The Shred for two days now, and it's pretty good. So far, I haven't been completely wrecked, and that's what I want. I hear Level 3 is insane, though.

Will keep you posted about P90x.