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I like good food and I can not lie. I also like saving money and rattling those pots and pans. Mostly, nobody gets hurt.

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Biggest Fathlete Week 6: Wow. My stomach is flatish.

And here it is. It's not six-packy and might never be. And this is not the best quality photo, but there is actual muscle there. I show you this in the spirit of the actual "Biggest Loser" contestants, who have to wear sports bras when they're 80 pounds overweight. I am not done, and don't want you to think that I think this is perfect. But it's not bad. You didn't see what it used to look like.

I am now, unfortunately, paranoid that it's gonna all end. I am getting obsessed, and Leslie is a bore when she's weight obsessed. Ask anyone.

How do you guys stay focused without being crazy?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Biggest Fathlete Week 5: Getting Out of My Head

So we're here at about the month mark of the Biggest Fathlete Weight Loss Challenge and Test of Iron Will Without The Dog Sled, and I'm happy to report that as of last Thursday, I had lost seven pounds! Whee-hoo! That was toward the end of Week Four, so I think I might start moving Fathlete Reveal Day to Thursdays, which is when I meet with Victor the Trainer for my weekly beating/weigh-in.

Yeah, it's settled. From now on, the official FathleteFoto (trademark pending) will come on Thursdays. Anyway, here's the new photo. You can see a tiny peek of tummy that doesn't make me want to hurl. And that's some progress, y'all!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Two better pictures of your Biggest Fathlete!

Yesterday's photos were sorta stinky, so here are two better photos to show the ol' progress, in which you can see my face. Which is sorta Buckwheat-Goes-To-College. But they're post-workout. What are you gonna do?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Biggest Fathlete, Week 4: It's Working!

My head's sorta fuzzy at the top of this photo, but you can see the important part - the gradual lessening of the cheese in the middle of my body. This is one of the first photos where I can see the difference. This is the beginning of the fourth week of this here little experiment, and in the previous three weeks, I lost a pound a week.

This is healthy and normal, unless you watch "The Biggest Loser," where they lose 35 pounds a day or something. I know that's a TV show, and that they have more weight to lose than me. But you're like "Three pounds? Voting her lazy butt off the pink team!"

Oh well. You can't have everything.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Biggest Fathlete, Week 3: Cruises Be Darned!

I'm back from Kiki's bachelorette cruise to the Bahamas, which wasn't nearly as crazy, food and drink-wise, as I'd suspected. I worked out Friday and Saturday, and left most of my desserts half-eaten. We also walked up a lot of steps from our cabin in the basement...er, Riveria deck.

All of this has resulted in my Fathlete accountability blog being  few days late. The results are not bad. I look pretty good actually - beginning to see some definition where there had not been, and a lack of cheese where there had been an abundance of such.

So, here it goes. Whaddya think, folkies? The waist is pretty good. I'm back on the case! I'm also training (get this) for a duathlon, where I run and bike, without the swimming, because I just don't feel like doing that. Stepping it up, y'all! Stepping it the hell up!