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I like good food and I can not lie. I also like saving money and rattling those pots and pans. Mostly, nobody gets hurt.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Biggest Fathlete, Week 3: Cruises Be Darned!

I'm back from Kiki's bachelorette cruise to the Bahamas, which wasn't nearly as crazy, food and drink-wise, as I'd suspected. I worked out Friday and Saturday, and left most of my desserts half-eaten. We also walked up a lot of steps from our cabin in the basement...er, Riveria deck.

All of this has resulted in my Fathlete accountability blog being  few days late. The results are not bad. I look pretty good actually - beginning to see some definition where there had not been, and a lack of cheese where there had been an abundance of such.

So, here it goes. Whaddya think, folkies? The waist is pretty good. I'm back on the case! I'm also training (get this) for a duathlon, where I run and bike, without the swimming, because I just don't feel like doing that. Stepping it up, y'all! Stepping it the hell up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good stuff, as usual, Leslie Streeter, M.D.! Don't you just love watching the good changes to your body?! You look great, and the girls are, well, looking tighter... yeah, I said it. I'm all for the duatholon, triathlon, etc. except for the running and swimming parts. Keep up the good work!