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I like good food and I can not lie. I also like saving money and rattling those pots and pans. Mostly, nobody gets hurt.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Fathlete Makes Some Resolutions

Bye bye, 2008! You sucked a lot and I won't really miss you! But in some ways you've made 2009 automatically brighter, even before it starts, because it certainly can't be worse than you!

Yes, we're positive little agents of life here at the Fathlete.

I don't usually do New Year's resolutions, preferring to make my life-changing declarations on days that don't have so much historic pressure on them, like the day after I break up with someone, or five minutes after I see my butt in a mirror at Macy's.

But 2008 has been, for me and for you too, maybe, such a colossal bummer, that I think that tonight is as good a night as any to make some promises to myself, to God and to you, since you're hopefully reading this and will no doubt hold me accountable. It wasn't all awful - we have the hope of a new president, I lost some weight, I survived my ridiculous breakups and Daddy Fathlete is, despite the cancer and subsequent chemo, still rocking.

So feel free to tell you what you're resolving to do - or not to do - in the next year. And let me know what you think of mine. Just don't invite me to your Overeaters Anonymous meeting if you see me at Starbucks, because that is NOT cool.)

So here you go. Happy Merry!

1) To keep running.
2) To try a new class at the gym every week.
3) To never hang up the phone with someone I love without telling them so.
4) To stop dating idiots. And mean it this time.
5) To only make a priority those who make me one as well.
6) To stop insulting myself and putting down my appearance, my butt, my gut or whatever thing I'm downing. It makes people uncomfortable and it's stupid.
7) To not apologize when I feel beautiful, or smart, or accomplished, because I never have any problem recognizing when I feel fat and stupid.
8) To call my grandma every week.
9) To enjoy the body I am blessed with.
10) To post on this blog at least every other day, because it makes me feel good. And because I crack me up.
11) To never focus so much on the things I do not have that I lose the ability to be grateful for the things I do.

Have a happy night, y'all. And here's to doing and being better in 2009, but never forgetting to be thankful for where we are right now.

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