About Me

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I like good food and I can not lie. I also like saving money and rattling those pots and pans. Mostly, nobody gets hurt.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Fathlete Makes Some Resolutions

Bye bye, 2008! You sucked a lot and I won't really miss you! But in some ways you've made 2009 automatically brighter, even before it starts, because it certainly can't be worse than you!

Yes, we're positive little agents of life here at the Fathlete.

I don't usually do New Year's resolutions, preferring to make my life-changing declarations on days that don't have so much historic pressure on them, like the day after I break up with someone, or five minutes after I see my butt in a mirror at Macy's.

But 2008 has been, for me and for you too, maybe, such a colossal bummer, that I think that tonight is as good a night as any to make some promises to myself, to God and to you, since you're hopefully reading this and will no doubt hold me accountable. It wasn't all awful - we have the hope of a new president, I lost some weight, I survived my ridiculous breakups and Daddy Fathlete is, despite the cancer and subsequent chemo, still rocking.

So feel free to tell you what you're resolving to do - or not to do - in the next year. And let me know what you think of mine. Just don't invite me to your Overeaters Anonymous meeting if you see me at Starbucks, because that is NOT cool.)

So here you go. Happy Merry!

1) To keep running.
2) To try a new class at the gym every week.
3) To never hang up the phone with someone I love without telling them so.
4) To stop dating idiots. And mean it this time.
5) To only make a priority those who make me one as well.
6) To stop insulting myself and putting down my appearance, my butt, my gut or whatever thing I'm downing. It makes people uncomfortable and it's stupid.
7) To not apologize when I feel beautiful, or smart, or accomplished, because I never have any problem recognizing when I feel fat and stupid.
8) To call my grandma every week.
9) To enjoy the body I am blessed with.
10) To post on this blog at least every other day, because it makes me feel good. And because I crack me up.
11) To never focus so much on the things I do not have that I lose the ability to be grateful for the things I do.

Have a happy night, y'all. And here's to doing and being better in 2009, but never forgetting to be thankful for where we are right now.

Monday, December 22, 2008

A Fathlete Buckles Down For The Holidays...

...and just hopes she can hold her present semi-impressive weight until she sees the relatives that always clock her food.

I have about two days until I fly home to the Hinterlands of Honville (Baltimore) for a long, long vacation where I am relying on other people for transport, for guest passes on their gym membership and for mercy if they have cookies in their homes. I'm headed to swing dancing with Armando the Dance Teacher this afternoon - and I don't mind telling you that those lessons have gotten a lot more demanding. Apparently Armando wasn't fooled by my pleas to take it easy on me. And I'd honestly would be sad if he did. But less sweaty.

I have been watching the dismally cold weather up north from my sunny living room and wondering the same thing everyone else in Florida with northern travel plans is thinking - "Is it too late to tell them I've contracted hoof and mouth disease?" Because it's cold up there. All of you up there are reading this and snorting "Suffer, Princess! Nobody feels sorry for your whiny butt! As Jesse L. Martin was known to say on 'Law and Order,' Sitch yo ass down!"


But I'm worried about the running in this weather. People do it. But not me. I am so worried about the yo-yoing, because at 37, I only get so many swings back in the other direction, ya know?

Please write me your tips for how to stay active on vacation, amid the cold and the cookies. Because Sista's not bringing any fat clothes with her! But some elastic.

Friday, December 19, 2008

A Fathelete Fears Booty Camp

So tomorrow, I'm headed out to West Palm Beach's Howard Park with my gorgeous friend Shamin and some other folks for something called Booty Camp, which is apparently some sort of hour-long boot camp that's supposed to shape the...ummm...booty region. I am not averse to pain, because exercise that feels good doesn't usually do a daggone thing for you.

However, I'm a little scared of this, because I'll be in pain and sweaty and gross around people I know. I go to boot camp at my gym, where I'm just Sweaty Lady #57, and I don't care. But this Booty Camp's gonna involve, I imagine, people I know from the cocktails and shmoozy scene that is my job. And I don't want them to know what I look like screaming in pain, sweating out the ying yang and contemplating strangling the trainer or dragging myself into McDonald's and snarfing hashbrowns till I choke.

Hashbrowns are pretty.

I'll let you know.

And no, there will not be any pictures.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A Fathelete Feels For Oprah

I've been pondering writing this particular post, because it's kind of stupid to write a public column about why some subjects should not be public. But it's Christmas, and as I'm working that Fake Local Celebrity mojo full time these days ("Yes, I'm Leslie! Thank you for reading my column!...Hey, where'd you get that mini quiche?") I'm aware of being a somewhat public person. I am not the public person that Oprah is, because in terms of being public and universally known, I think it's like Jesus, Oprah and Mickey Mouse. 

But in my own Grade-Z local way, I found myself wanting to give Oprah an empathetic hug when I read about her public admission of her weight gain, and of the flurry of pictures of her thinner times posted right next to her current heavier one. And make no mistake — that woman is gorgeous, no matter what she weighs, and even at 200 pounds, I suspect a lot of that is muscle, since she is an athlete and a marathoner. Go marathoners.

I obviously am not as recognizable as the O, but since 2002, I've had my face in the Palm Beach Post every week, as well as a lot of TV appearances, billboards, commercials and other promotional lalala. And I know what it's like to have your weight scrutinized by strangers, mostly because they don't think of me as a stranger. But I don't know them, so it's disconcerting when someone I've never seen before tells me I'm fat. That stuff is rude, y'all. What the hell is wrong with you? I don't even take that mess off my grandfather, so if it gets Grandaddy the stink eye, thus it is with you, Dude. Yet, I can't cuss these people out because I'm a lovable yet sassy local celebrity, and the Palm Beach Post is trying to retain readers, not lose them to lawsuits.

I became aware this year just how long six years, and as many corresponding weights, that is. When I first moved to town, I went on a crazy, non-recommended diet that took 30 pounds off me, stripped my hips, face and cleavage, and made me look like a hungry boy. Of course, that's when I took a whole heck of a lot of promotional photos for the Post, giving the mistaken impression that this is what I usually looked like or at least what I'd look like after I got tired of being lightheaded and started eating.

(My best friend Melanie once remarked "Size-6 Leslie was mean," to which I responded "Because Size-6 Leslie was hungry.")

I subsequently became a serious runner, became more muscular and also able to eat a whole lot because I was burning a gajillion calories a day. I was a substantial size 8-ish, and happy to be so. This continued until I injured myself last year, and went from an 8, to a 10, and then to a 12. Nothing wrong with that, except it took me a while to admit that. But the public didn't have that problem. We've already discussed, in an earlier post, the bisnatch of a former running acquaintance who asked "Are you still running?" looked at my gut and said, under her breath "Guess not." And then there's a family member who will remain nameless who, during my father's cancer surgery, looked at the plain veggie burger I was microwaving and said "You're eating again?"

But nothing compares to the brazenness of the seemingly nice older man who followed me into the CityPlace Starbucks last winter. 

"Are you Leslie?" he asked, and I nodded that I was.

"My brother thought that was you, but I said 'Oh, no, that can't be Leslie. Leslie's a slim young lady!," he said, leaving the "And you are a big ol' heifer" unsaid and hanging in the latte-scented air.

As I struggled for a response that didn't involve cursing and punching, the man, still smiling, kept on talking.

"You should come to my Over-Eaters Anonymous meeting!" he said.

Yes, he did. No I'm not making that up. 

I wanted to hit him, or tell him he was incredibly rude, or throw my skim whipped cream-less skinny skinny whatever thing in his face, but instead I thanked him for his concern but told him that I didn't need a meeting, just to recover from my injury, and that the pictures he'd seen of me were uncharacteristically skinny. Yes, I thanked him, like a punk. Thanked this horrible person. Because he wasn't really horrible - he was horribly inappropriate, but I know that people who survive things like chronic overeating (he'd lost like 80 pounds) are missionaries for their cause. They mean well. He was horrible. But he meant well.

Being in public, talking about my running or what I eat - all of that puts my weight in the public eye, as much as my columns put my singlehood and dating life in the public eye. Which means people believe they are up for discussion. I regret this sometimes, but it is what it is. That doesn't excuse rudeness, though. As my mother always says, there is seldom an excuse to be rude to people. Notice that "seldom" implies that there sometimes is an excuse. But telling someone who DOES NOT KNOW YOU that she is fat is not one of those times. Seriously.

All of this is to say that I will never have Oprah's money. But I feel her pain, in a local, broke sort of way. Maybe people will be able to learn from Oprah's honesty about her weight and her struggles, because she's that normal. I just wonder what she would say if somebody stepped to her at a Starbucks.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Fathlete Swings Out...And Tries Not To Hurt Anyone

So today I went to the photo shoot for "Dancing For The Stars," the benefit dance competition that benefits the Kravis Center's Young Friends' group. It pits fake local celebrities like myself, and their professional partners, against Mayor Lois Frankel.

I'm not sure what I'm doing in this thing, as I:

 - am pretty sure I weigh more than Armando, my new partner, who is joking about doing lifts;
- can not dance;
- try to lead, even though I can not dance
- looked like Zena, Non-Dancing Princess, next to all the twig-like TV reporters and personalities, as well as their partners. And I weigh more than all of them, too;
- tripped at my own debutante ball.

But Armando's confident, and so we're gonna learn to swing dance! Well...Armando already knows how to swing dance. He's going to attempt to teach me, while I try not to break anything, cry, and to fight the urge to flee, clacking like a buffalo in dance shoes.

I'm looking forward to it. But it's gonna hurt.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Marathon of the Palm Beaches and my Rocky moment

So this time last week I had finished an amazing run in Miami - 8 miles, y'all! - and was thinking that I would have no problem in tomorrow's Marathon of the Palm Beaches, in which I am running the first 8.7 miles with my fabulous Palm Beach Post relay team. And I was to avenge myself and my pride from the drubbing we took last year in the world's stinkiest, hottest, most dehydrated leg imaginable. Torture.

And then in the middle of a short run Tuesday, I got shin splints like a mofo. 


So is tomorrow gonna be my redemptive Rocky moment or my indie film moment of disappointment?

Pray for me.

And come cheer along Flagler/Olive.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Fathlete Freaks Out

So it's five days before the Marathon of the Palm Beaches, and two days after an awesome 8-mile run on Miami Beach. So imagine my surprise when I strapped on the shoes to take a little four-mile jaunt around the perimeter of my gym....and my shins were on fire.

I guess it could be a stretching issue, so I've been stretching the mess out of that thing since I've been home...hold on....sorry....my cat just did that thing where she scampers in like the Feds are after her.

But I'm a little worried. I gotta go eight miles on Sunday and I couldn't get through two this morning. I'm gonna be taking it easy - I'm gonna go spinning tomorrow and stretch my legs out alot.

Wish me luck.