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I like good food and I can not lie. I also like saving money and rattling those pots and pans. Mostly, nobody gets hurt.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Are you running in San Francisco? Be sure to wear...

...a car to drive the hills.

I'm looking out at the San Francisco Bay right now - it's 4:30 PST, which is why I'm awake, because my body thinks it's 7:30. My body is wrong.

I was thrilled to find that there is a 24 Hour Fitness down the street - I'm planning to swing over and do some weights at some point, mostly because

a) I love weight training and
b) I had a half can of Pringles for lunch on the plane, because Delta RAN OUT OF FOOD. Yes. They had a plane full of folk on a cross-country flight, but the lovely flight attendant admitted that by the time she got to the back of the plane, where I was occupying the very last row, she'd been out of everything but chips and cookies for a while.

Helpfully, she had me tell her what I would have ordered if, indeed, there had been food.

Delta? What the...?

I think we're going to Sonoma later ("we" being myself and life-long pal Melanie, in whose hotel room I am squatting.) And there will be cheese. And wine.

So the Fathlete will be running.

Between meals, Mel and I went to Nordstrom, where I bought a dress for the Nat King Cole Generation Hope gala Thanksgiving weekend, and am pleased to report that everything seems to be sucking into place pretty well. There were a couple of moments where a pair of Spanx might have helped, but in my late 30s, I'm all about fabrics that suck that mess in. When I was 25, I was insulted by such things because I wanted my body to not need it. Control Top? Fie! I'm doing extra crunches.

But at 37, I'm respect the God-given genius of stretch and control fabric engineers. And I support their products and their gifts.

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