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I like good food and I can not lie. I also like saving money and rattling those pots and pans. Mostly, nobody gets hurt.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Why I'm going to have tater tots for lunch

This morning, I ran 6.3 miles with my friend Rochelle, otherwise known as TV's Little Rocky, current Florida Golden Gloves champ-een in her weight group and my unofficial trainer. This means that she wears the Garmin GPS distance doohicky, runs backwards to taunt me when I'm slowing down, and yells "Go for it" at various times on our run.

She is my hero.

Then, I came home, at a bowl of Capn Crunch with Crunchberries with soy milk and then went to Boot Camp Class at my gym, where I dusted some really skinny girls, including one with a six-pack, in the final sprint. Nobody noticed but me.

But I'm the one who matters.

I have to not judge my progress by other people because I don't know what their stories are. I don't know what their cholesterol is like, or how fast they run. I just see their abs and want to cry, because I want those abs. Heck, I want the abs I used to have.

But I am having a late lunch, and since I've estimated that I've burned about 1800 calories in my two workouts, I get a small portion of fried potatoes. Just enough to keep me going.


Anonymous said...

I can't even see their abs and I want their abs. Currently in Dublin at our hotel's business center charging the iPod for tomorrow's flight home. Required to report that two weeks of cheese, beer, and every manner of potato have turned my abs to hash. Will redouble efforts upon return home. Love the blog.

Leslie said...

Thank you! Good luck with getting rid of the cheese and beer. Wish I knew a way to get over those.

WelcometoLA said...

Excellent taste in blog lists.