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I like good food and I can not lie. I also like saving money and rattling those pots and pans. Mostly, nobody gets hurt.

Monday, December 22, 2008

A Fathlete Buckles Down For The Holidays...

...and just hopes she can hold her present semi-impressive weight until she sees the relatives that always clock her food.

I have about two days until I fly home to the Hinterlands of Honville (Baltimore) for a long, long vacation where I am relying on other people for transport, for guest passes on their gym membership and for mercy if they have cookies in their homes. I'm headed to swing dancing with Armando the Dance Teacher this afternoon - and I don't mind telling you that those lessons have gotten a lot more demanding. Apparently Armando wasn't fooled by my pleas to take it easy on me. And I'd honestly would be sad if he did. But less sweaty.

I have been watching the dismally cold weather up north from my sunny living room and wondering the same thing everyone else in Florida with northern travel plans is thinking - "Is it too late to tell them I've contracted hoof and mouth disease?" Because it's cold up there. All of you up there are reading this and snorting "Suffer, Princess! Nobody feels sorry for your whiny butt! As Jesse L. Martin was known to say on 'Law and Order,' Sitch yo ass down!"


But I'm worried about the running in this weather. People do it. But not me. I am so worried about the yo-yoing, because at 37, I only get so many swings back in the other direction, ya know?

Please write me your tips for how to stay active on vacation, amid the cold and the cookies. Because Sista's not bringing any fat clothes with her! But some elastic.


Shiny Light Studios said...

Les, I always take a long walk with my mom after every meal. It's a great time to catch up and burn off some calories at the same time. And I drink a lot of hot tea ... somehow I tell myself it helps flush out the bad stuff. =)

Unknown said...

Um, no particular comment about this post, but has anyone told you how great this blog is? (I discovered it accidentally while surfing for something else...). Seriously, you should post daily and figure out how to get more of an audience for it.

Anyhow, just my two cents...

Unknown said...

Oh, and this comment practically made me spurt my Diet Pepsi through my nose...

"I have now returned, somewhat cautiously, to semi-hardcore levels, to running and lifting and all the sweaty stuff, after an injury last year and a sordid affair with cheese. (I still see cheese sometimes, but we have an understanding)."

Leslie said...


You are a sweetheart!

And one of my New Year's resolutions is to post every day, and to figure out how to get more people to read it.

Please tell your friends!

You've made the last day of my year very, very Merry!
