About Me

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I like good food and I can not lie. I also like saving money and rattling those pots and pans. Mostly, nobody gets hurt.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Vacation Lag and Exercise

I have yet to regain my pre-vacation workout schedule, due to lack of time and my unfortunate relationship with red wine and dancing to the '80s on Saturday night (getting too old for this schiznit).

Today I have to fit in at least two hours of working out, several interviews, some movies I have to review, and judging a karaoke contest. But I can do it. I have to, because the most dreaded of eating days is coming, as well as the 4-mile "Run 4 The Pies" on Thanksgiving morning where the first several hundred finishers get an apple pie.

I am not real confident about my pie chances this year, y'all. But I'm gonna try. Not that I need it. But it is a fruit-filled badge of honor.


Unknown said...

Dammit woman, you had better take home a damn pie, so help me!! What kind of legacy did I leave for you? YOU NEED TO TAKE HOME A PIE (although, not necessarily eat it)

Leslie said...

They ran out! They did! They ran out of pie! And water! And...I was coming back from an injury! Yeah, that's it! And I didn't have you yelling at me that we were gonna get them pies, dammit!

So, yeah...I hath failed you. Please don't hurt me.